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Get High
in Berlin!

26 Sept

In February 2017, Berliner Jens Voigt famously challenged the Teufelsberg in Grunewald through the bitter cold and sleet to virtually climb the 8848 meters of Mt. Everest, and ever since “Everesting” has been a hot topic in cycling.

The current Everesting world record is just over 7 hours. But, as impressive as that is, Everesting is not yet much of a spectator sport. The KOM Everesting Challenge is out to change that!

The KOM Everesting Challenge offers the spirit of everesting, minus the misery and monotony of an official attempt. To do this, we’ve shortened it, added fans, riders, food and music, set up an electronic timing system and, best of all, secured a 3.3 km gravel climb up, down and around the normally-off-limits Arkenberge, Berlin’s highest point, with each lap gaining riders 96m in altitude!

Pick your format: the short, 1-hour Mountain Criterium the 2-, 4-, and 6- hour Altitude Challenge, or Team Everesting, where 4-rider teams will work together simultaneously to conquer the 8848 meters of Mt. Everest.

Whatever method you choose – come to Berlin, and get high!


Thanks to electronic timing, the KOM Everesting Challenge can be raced alone, in a 4-person team or in the mass-start Elite Criterium.

In Elite Criterium, riders will participate in a mass-start, 1 hour CX-style race. First over the finish line wins.

In Team Everesting, 4-rider teams simultaneously collect altitude to try and become the first achieve 8848 meters of elevation, the height of Mt. Everest, or an average of 23 times up and down the Arkenberge for each rider. Time limit is 5 hours.

In the Altitude Challenge, riders see how much altitude they can collect over 2, 4 or 6 hours. Will anyone be able to reach 2770m, the height of the Col D l’Iseran in France, Europe’s highest pass?

That will require 29 laps (95km) or almost 5 laps per hour. Only top riders will be able to accomplish this feat, but with the Climber (2hr) Mountaineer (4hr) and Astronaut (6hr) certifications, there are distances for every kind of rider!

Are you up for the challenge? Then, REGISTER!